
Sends an e-mail to configured recipients for each incoming FlowFile


email, put, notify, smtp


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language, and whether a property is considered "sensitive", meaning that its value will be encrypted. Before entering a value in a sensitive property, ensure that the file has an entry for the property nifi.sensitive.props.key.

NameDefault ValueValid ValuesDescription
SMTP HostnameThe hostname of the SMTP host
SMTP Port25The Port used for SMTP communications
FromSpecifies the Email address to use as the sender
Supports Expression Language: true
ToThe recipients to include in the To-Line of the email
Supports Expression Language: true
CCThe recipients to include in the CC-Line of the email
Supports Expression Language: true
BCCThe recipients to include in the BCC-Line of the email
Supports Expression Language: true
SubjectMessage from NiFiThe email subject
Supports Expression Language: true
MessageThe body of the email message
Supports Expression Language: true
Attach Filefalse
  • true
  • false
Specifies whether or not the FlowFile content should be attached to the email
Include All Attributes In Messagefalse
  • true
  • false
Specifies whether or not all FlowFile attributes should be recorded in the body of the email message


failureFlowFiles that fail to send will be routed to this relationship
successFlowFiles that are successfully sent will be routed to this relationship