
This processor is used to create a Hadoop Sequence File, which essentially is a file of key/value pairs. The key will be a file name and the value will be the flow file content. The processor will take either a merged (a.k.a. packaged) flow file or a singular flow file. Historically, this processor handled the merging by type and size or time prior to creating a SequenceFile output; it no longer does this. If creating a SequenceFile that contains multiple files of the same type is desired, precede this processor with a RouteOnAttribute processor to segregate files of the same type and follow that with a MergeContent processor to bundle up files. If the type of files is not important, just use the MergeContent processor. When using the MergeContent processor, the following Merge Formats are supported by this processor:

The created SequenceFile is named the same as the incoming FlowFile with the suffix '.sf'. For incoming FlowFiles that are bundled, the keys in the SequenceFile are the individual file names, the values are the contents of each file.

NOTE: The value portion of a key/value pair is loaded into memory. While there is a max size limit of 2GB, this could cause memory issues if there are too many concurrent tasks and the flow file sizes are large.

See Also: