
This processor distributes FlowFiles to downstream processors based on a distribution strategy. The user may select the strategy "round robin", the strategy "next available", or "load distribution service". If using the round robin strategy, the default is to assign each destination (i.e., relationship) a weighting of 1 (evenly distributed). However, the user may add optional properties to change this weighting. When adding a property, the name must be a positive integer between 1 and the number of relationships (inclusive). For example, if Number of Relationships has a value of 8 and a property is added with the name 5 and the value 10, then relationship 5 (among the 8) will receive 10 FlowFiles in each iteration instead of 1. All other relationships will receive 1 FlowFile in each iteration.


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. If a property has a default value, it is indicated. If a property supports the use of the NiFi Expression Language (or simply, "expression language"), that is also indicated.
